This legal notice contains the rules of use of the website that the company Franquicias La Piemontesa SLU (hereinafter the owner or responsible) as the owner of the same, makes available to users, in order to provide information about the contents, services and / or products offered by the owner or by third parties.
In compliance with the information duty of article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, we inform users of the data of the owner of the web and of the profiles of the owner's social networks:
The access, navigation and / or use of the information, the contents, the services and / or the products offered on the web, attributes the character of user, whether natural or legal person, user condition. subject to prior, express, complete and unreserved acceptance of the terms and conditions of the legal texts that appear on the web.
Therefore, the owner recommends the user to carefully read the terms and conditions of the indicated legal texts, which they can freely access, as well as print, download and save in paper or electronic format at any time.
If the user does not agree with the content of the indicated legal texts, they must refrain from accessing, browsing and / or using the information, content, services and / or products offered on the web.
Access to the web is free, except for the cost of the connection through the telecommunications network provided by the access provider that the user has contracted.
In general, the access, navigation and / or use of the information, content, services and / or products offered on the web, does not require prior user registration.
Despite this, it is possible that the use or contracting of some of the services and / or products of the web, is conditioned prior to the subscription, registration or completion by the user of a registration form, through a Access key composed of a user code (login or ID) and a password (password), freely chosen by the user himself, to access the account.
Therefore, in relation to the registration process and the processing of personal data that is requested to access the account, the terms and conditions are defined in the personal data protection policy accessible on the web.
The User is solely responsible for the custody, diligent use and maintenance of the confidentiality of the access code (login or ID and password or password), and of the account itself, and therefore undertakes to make diligent use of the itself, to always keep it secret, not to share it and to protect it from unauthorized use.
The user accepts to assume the responsibility that proceeds for all the activities carried out from his user account using his access code.
The user must notify the owner of the website immediately and without delay, any security incident related to access or non-consensual use of the password and / or account, as well as any violation of security such as the loss, theft or possible access by a third party to it, by sending an email to the following email address:
The registered user may unsubscribe at any time, losing that condition, as well as the rights and data associated with their account and its contents, by sending an email to the following email address
The owner of the website may also suspend, delete the account, and / or terminate the registered user, ending the relationship established between them and the user losing the rights derived from such condition, the data associated with their account and the contents of the same, if you breach the legal notice or the rest of the legal texts.
The user agrees to make proper and good faith use of the information, content, services and / or products offered by the owner or by third parties in accordance with the Law, good practices, public order and content. of the legal notice and legal texts.
In the same way, it is obliged not to use the website, the information, the contents, the services and / or the products offered for purposes or effects that are illicit, harmful or contrary to the content of this legal notice and the rest of the legal texts, or of harmful to the interests or rights of the owner or third parties.
Specifically with an enunciative but not limiting character, the user agrees not to use them for any of the following purposes:
a.- Engaging in illicit, harmful, illegal or contrary to good practices and public order activities.
b.- Disseminate information, content or opinions that affect the dignity of the person, that are threatening, defamatory, vexatious, insulting or discriminatory due to sex, race, religion, beliefs, age or condition, among others, of a racist nature , xenophobic, pornographic, apology for terrorism or an attack against human rights, which threaten youth or childhood, order or public safety.
c.- Destroy, alter, disable, interrupt, use fraudulently or in any other way, damage the information, content, services and / or products of the web, as well as install malware that causes alterations or damage to the web.
f.- Using programs or devices to circumvent the controls, security measures or passwords implemented by the owner.
1.- The user acknowledges that this website is the property of the owner, who is the author or has the corresponding license on the information, content, services and / or products offered by the owner or by third parties, that is, by title Merely illustrative and without limitation on the following:
a.- The distinctive signs such as the brand, trade names and logos,
b.- The appearance, the presentation, the "look and feel", the color and design combinations,
c.- The source code, the object code, the computer programs, the multimedia products, the databases and other elements necessary for their operation,
d.- The texts, comments, messages, images, graphics, drawings, designs, sounds, audios, videos and photographs.
2.- Access by the user to the information, content, services and / or products offered by the owner, does not imply or imply any type of waiver of them, nor the transmission, total transfer or partial or license of said intellectual and industrial property rights, nor does it confer on the user any right of use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation of them, without the prior and express written authorization of the owner of said rights. .
3.- The reproduction, distribution, transformation and public communication, including the method of making them available, as well as the modification, alteration or decompilation of all or part of the information, content, services and / or the products offered by the owner, for commercial purposes or not, in any medium and by any technical means without the prior written authorization of the owner.
4.- The user is authorized to access, view, use, print, download and store the information, content, services and / or products offered by the owner exclusively for their personal, private and non-profit use, this is without commercial purposes, as long as the indication on the origin and authorship of the same and the copyright symbol and / or industrial property notes of their owners is maintained, for which the user agrees not to suppress or alter the mentions as copyright , © and TM.
5.- The contributions of the user that they send or share with the owner, such as ideas, projects, proposals, content, opinions, etc. by any means, format or technology, whether written, oral, sound, audiovisual, by email, fax, postal mail, social networks or any other means, grants the owner of the website and for that very fact on the aforementioned contributions , without the need for further additional requirements, a free, non-exclusive, worldwide license for all languages and for as long as current legislation allows to use it and exploit the contributions for any purpose or purpose, including, on an enumerative basis and not limited to the rights of exploitation, fixation, reproduction, distribution, public communication,
Likewise, the user grants the right to assign and / or sublicense said contributions to third parties, without this being understood as an infringement of the moral right of the author thereof.
The user will be responsible for the authorship and originality of their contributions, as well as for the peaceful exercise of their use, for which the user is responsible for ensuring that their contributions do not infringe the rights of third parties or violate any current legislation on intellectual and industrial property. or business secrets, or that it is confidential or secret information protected by contractual agreements.
The user also assumes the obligation to maintain the owner and / or their representatives, partners, managers, attorneys, workers, etc. harmless and free from any liability that may arise from the exercise of actions, judicial or not, that were caused by the violation of the rights of third parties or current legislation related to contributions.
For the purposes of preserving possible intellectual and industrial property rights or business secrets, in the event that any user or third party considers that there has been a violation of their legitimate rights due to the use of information, content, services and / or the products on the web, you must notify said circumstance, in writing, to indicating:
a.- The personal identification data of the interested party who owns the rights allegedly infringed.
b.- The contents protected by intellectual property rights and their location on the web
c.- The accreditation of the existence, ownership and validity of the aforementioned intellectual property rights.
d.- The express declaration in which the interested party is responsible for the veracity of the data and information provided in the notification referred to in this point.
Through this website, personal data of users is processed, so it is necessary that the user previously read carefully the personal data protection policy that appears on the web, as well as the different information clauses that accompany each of the different forms enabled for the collection of personal data.
It is reported that, in any case, the personal data collected through this web page will be treated in compliance with the provisions of the General Regulations for the Protection of Personal Data 2016/679 and the applicable Spanish legislation, Law 3 / 2018.
The owner's cookie policy appears in a link on the web.
The owner makes links or "links" available to users for purely informational purposes, but without knowing, controlling, endorsing or recommending the content, products or services provided by the websites to which links are established.
Therefore, the owner does not assume any responsibility for any aspect related to the web page to which a link is established from this web site.
Anyone who wants to include a link to the owner's website on their website must meet the following conditions:
1.- The link will only be allowed to the home page, this is, therefore deep links and frames are prohibited.
2.- No false, incorrect or denigrating statements or indications will be made with the link, or contrary to the law, morals or good customs, about the owner, the information, the contents, the services and / or the products offered. neither its directors nor employees.
3.- Links from pages that affect the dignity of the person, that are threatening, defamatory, vexatious, insulting or discriminatory on grounds of sex, race, religion, beliefs, age or condition, among others, of a racist nature are not authorized. , xenophobic, pornographic, apology for terrorism or an attack against human rights, which threaten youth or childhood, order or public safety.
4.- The establishment of a link does not imply that any type of link or legal relationship is established or exists between both parties.
The user must be aware that the security measures on the Internet are not entirely reliable and that therefore, the owner cannot guarantee the absence of malware or other elements that may cause alterations in the user's computer systems (software and hardware).
To enhance the use of the Internet safely and to avoid fraudulent situations of theft and impersonation of the user, it is important to take into account the following security recommendations that the user must apply:
a.- In no case will the owner of the website or any worker, collaborator or supplier request the user, neither by phone, SMS, WhatsApp, email, etc., the access code (login or ID and password or password) , DNI, NIE or passport, or other data such as credit cards, social security numbers, etc.
b.- The User must be suspicious of a request of this type, and in no case should he respond, forcing himself to immediately contact the owner of the website through the email
c.- Access to the owner's website must be done by directly typing the address or url in the browser, being inadvisable to do so through a link, an email or a web page that is not trusted.
d.- It is necessary to have an antivirus activated, as well as to install all the updates of the browsers and other programs used by the user.
This website may host advertising content or be sponsored.
Advertisers and sponsors are solely responsible for ensuring that the material submitted for inclusion on the website complies with the regulations that may be applicable in each case.
The owner will not be responsible for any error, omission, inaccuracy or irregularity that may be included in the advertising or sponsor content.
In any case, to file any claim related to the advertising content inserted on this website, you can go to the following email address
The owner uses social networks to advertise their services and / or products.
The user may join the groups that the owner has in different social networks, in such a way that when he becomes a follower or fan of them, he accepts the conditions of use and privacy policy of the social network in question, as well as the notice legal and the rest of the legal texts of the owner of the website.
The corporate accounts of the owner's social networks are the following:
1.- Facebook:
2.- Twitter:
3.- Instagram:
4.- Pinterest:
5.- Youtube:
6.- Linkedin:
The owner has various areas for user participation (forums, chats, etc.), without the owner participating in them in any way.
The user is solely responsible for the comments, contributions or opinions published, so the owner will not be responsible for them in any case.
The owner reserves the right to withdraw all those comments and contributions that violate the legal notice and the rest of the legal text, as well as suspend or cancel the user.
The owner directs his services to users over 18 years of age, so minors of this age are not authorized to use our services and / or products.
The user accepts that access to the website and the use of the information, content, services and / or products offered therein, is carried out under their sole and exclusive responsibility, without the owner being able to guarantee:
a.- that the information is accurate, complete, updated or useful,
b.- the adequate speed of access, the availability and continuity of the operation of the web.
c.- the absence of viruses or other elements that may cause alterations.
The owner excludes, to the full extent permitted by the legal system, any liability for damages of any kind that may be due or are related to the information, content, services and / or products offered on the web, as well as as well as the lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the web.
The owner of the website in compliance with the provisions of art. 11 and 16 of Law 34/2002, will actively collaborate in the withdrawal or, where appropriate, blocking all those contents that could affect or contravene the applicable legislation, the rights of third parties or are contrary to morality or public order .
The user assumes that the owner, where appropriate, may inform the administrative or judicial authorities of those facts that could constitute an illegal or harmful activity, without the need to previously notify the user, as well as prosecute the breach of this notice. legal and other legal texts, exercising all the actions that may correspond to it by law.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the owner will not be responsible for any delays or failures that may occur in the access, operation and operation of the website, the information, the content, the services and / or the products, as well as the interruptions, suspensions or the malfunction of the same, when they originate in breakdowns produced by natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, lightning or fires, force majeure situations, extreme emergency situations such as viruses, pandemics, wars, military operations, civil disturbances, strikes, lockouts or any other force majeure or act of God.
The owner of the website makes all reasonable efforts to guarantee the accessibility and availability of the website every day of the year.
However, it reserves the right to interrupt, block, suspend and / or cancel access to information, content, services and / or products on the web without prior notice, at any time, among others for the following reasons:
1.- causes of security, technical, operational, maintenance or force majeure,
2.- if the website is used fraudulently or abusively,
3.- due to breach by the user of the legal notice and the rest of the legal texts.
The terms and conditions of the legal notice and the rest of the legal texts are those in force since the date of the last update, they are subject to changes and updates continuously, so the published version may be different at each moment in which the user access the web.
The owner of the website may at any time add, update, modify or delete the terms and conditions of the legal notice and the rest of the legal texts, modifications that will come into effect from its publication on the website, being applicable to all users from that point on. date and onwards. This merchant agrees not to allow any transaction that is illegal, or is deemed by the credit card brands or the acquiring bank, that may or has the potential to damage their goodwill or negatively influence them.
This legal notice and the rest of the legal texts will be governed and interpreted in accordance with Spanish legislation, to which both parties expressly submit and which will therefore be the only applicable law.
For the resolution of all disputes, discrepancies, controversies, questions or claims resulting directly or indirectly from the interpretation, compliance or non-compliance, execution, resolution or invalidity of this legal notice and the rest of the legal texts, both parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction and competence of the Judges and Courts of the domicile of the consumer and user, provided that it is located in Spanish territory and acts as a consumer and user.
Otherwise, the submission will be to the courts and tribunals of the City of Lleida (Spain). Online dispute resolution in accordance with Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013: The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform, which is available at the following link / consumers / odr /
Version 4, February 18, 2021.
© All rights reserved, Franquicias La Piemontesa SLU, Lleida, 2025
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